Members of the Old University Neighbourhood of Guelph sitting in a bright church listening to a speaker.
Spring 2023 AGM

The Old University Neighbourhood Residents’ Association holds Two Annual Meetings:

1. Spring Annual General Meeting — normally held in May
2. Fall General Meeting — normally held in October or November

Meetings are announced through our newsletters and on this website.  Each meeting features a guest speaker on a topic of interest related to the community.  Our Ward 5 city councillors also attend to bring updates on behalf of the City of Guelph.

Our most recent Annual General Meeting took place on May 14, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Our Annual Fall Meeting will take place on Tuesday November 19 2024, at Harcourt United Church, 87 Dean Ave. Guelph. 

Agendas for the current and recent past meetings are below.

Annual General Meeting
- Spring 2024 -

When: Tuesday May 14. 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Harcourt United Church, 87 Dean Ave, Guelph ON

Guest Speakers:  Member of Parliament The Honourable Lloyd Longfield will address, from a federal perspective, the housing and
other challenges we are all facing in this time of economic uncertainty. There will also be time for him to address your questions and concerns.

Renters, homeowners, community members of all ages and backgrounds - We welcome ALL our community members!

General Meeting
- Fall 2023 -

When: Tuesday November 7, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Harcourt United Church, 87 Dean Ave, Guelph ON

Guest Speakers:  Member of Provincial Parliament Mike Schreiner will speak on “Housing: the Challenge for our Neighbourhood, City and Province”

Also present will be Ward Five Councillors Cathy Downer and Leanne Caron. They will convene their customary 'Councillors' Corner' and respond to    residents' questions.

Renters, homeowners, community members of all ages and backgrounds - ALL are very welcome!

General Meeting
- Spring 2023 -

When: Tuesday May 30, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Harcourt United Church, 87 Dean Ave, Guelph ON

Guest Speakers:  Mayor Cam Guthrie will address issues arising from the new City zoning bylaw. There will also be time for him to address your    questions and concerns.  Also present will be Ward Five Councillors Cathy Downer and Leanne Caron. They will convene their customary 'Councillors' Corner' and respond to residents' questions.

General Meeting
- Fall 2022 -

When: Tuesday October 4, 2022 at 8:00 p.m.

Where: Harcourt United Church, 87 Dean Ave, Guelph ON

Agenda and Guests:  Welcome and introductions; Financial Report; Election; Closing: Announcements

Meet your Ward Five candidates for the 2022 municipal election.

General Meeting
- Fall 2020 -

When: November 24, 2020, at 7:00 p.m

Where: Join us online to connect with our neighbourhood and city!

Guelph OUNRA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Dial by your location
+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 647 558 0588 Canada

Meeting ID: 899 8778 7288


Natalie Goss, Senior Policy Planner for the City of Guelph.
Topic: Growth plan for the City of Guelph

President’s Report

Leanne Piper and Cathy Downer will bring us up to date on developments in Guelph and will respond to questions from the floor.

General Meeting
- Spring 2019 -

When: May 16, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Harcourt Church, Gymnasium, 87 Dean Avenue
(Please use the rear door of the building, beside the children’s playground)


Detective Sargent Carrie Gale, Guelph Police Service
Topic: The BEAT Project (Break, Enter & Auto Theft)
The presentation will focus on this special initiative by the Guelph Police Service to reduce the amount of crime in the City. The BEAT pilot            operated from January to the end of April 2019. The presentation will  describe the project and offer some insights into early learnings.

President’s Report
Changes to the Constitution/Bylaws
Election of Executive Committee members

Leanne Piper and Cathy Downer will bring us up to date on                   developments in Guelph and will respond to questions from the floor.

General Meeting
- Fall 2018 -

When: October 16, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.

AGENDA: It will be an opportunity to meet the candidates for Mayor and Ward 5 Councillors.

An update on OUNRA affairs and community activities. Be sure to join us at the Fall Annual General Meeting!

General Meeting
- Spring 2018 -

When: Thursday, May 10, 2018, 7:00 p.m.

Where: Gymnasium, Harcourt Church, 87 Dean Avenue
(Please use the rear door of the building, next to the children’s playground)

Guest Speaker: Dr. Franco Vaccarino; President, University of Guelph

OUNRA Business:
President’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Changes to the Constitution/Bylaws
Election of Executive Committee members

Councillor’s Corner:
Leanne Piper and Cathy Downer will address issues including an update on the Guelph Community Energy Initiative, Homecoming strategies, and the replacement of the OMB by the LPAT (Local Planning Appeals Tribunal). They will also respond to questions from the floor.

General Meeting
- Fall 2019 -

When: November 14, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Harcourt Church, Gymnasium, 87 Dean Avenue
(Please use the rear door of the building, beside the children’s playground)


Jeff Buisman - Jeff is an Ontario Land Surveyor
Topic: Change and Intensification in the OUN: A Development Consultant’s Perspective
Jeff is an Ontario Land Surveyor who provides the additional service of helping people through the severance process as a consultant and advocate. He helps to provide the whole picture in terms of process, budget, third-party consultants as well as provide guidance on whether or not the project is worth pursuing. Jeff is a partner with VanHarten Surveying & Engineers. He lives in the Old University Neighbourhood and is a proponent of positive and appropriate development within the neighborhood.

President’s Report

Leanne Piper and Cathy Downer will bring us up to date on                   developments in Guelph and will respond to questions from the floor.

General Meeting
- Spring 2019 -

When: May 16, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Harcourt Church, Gymnasium, 87 Dean Avenue
(Please use the rear door of the building, beside the children’s playground)


Detective Sargent Carrie Gale, Guelph Police Service
Topic: The BEAT Project (Break, Enter & Auto Theft)
The presentation will focus on this special initiative by the Guelph Police Service to reduce the amount of crime in the City. The BEAT pilot operated from January to the end of April 2019. The presentation will describe the project and offer some insights into early learnings.

President’s Report
Changes to the Constitution/Bylaws
Election of Executive Committee members

Leanne Piper and Cathy Downer will bring us up to date on developments in Guelph and will respond to questions from the floor.

General Meeting
- Fall 2018 -

When: October 16, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.

AGENDA: It will be an opportunity to meet the candidates for Mayor and Ward 5 Councillors.

An update on OUNRA affairs and community activities. Be sure to join us at the Fall Annual General Meeting!

General Meeting
- Spring 2018 -

When: Thursday, May 10, 2018, 7:00 p.m.

Where: Gymnasium, Harcourt Church, 87 Dean Avenue
(Please use the rear door of the building, next to the children’s playground)

Guest Speaker: Dr. Franco Vaccarino; President, University of Guelph

OUNRA Business:
President’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Changes to the Constitution/Bylaws
Election of Executive Committee members

Councillor’s Corner:
Leanne Piper and Cathy Downer will address issues including an update on the Guelph Community Energy Initiative, Homecoming strategies, and the replacement of the OMB by the LPAT (Local Planning Appeals Tribunal). They will also respond to questions from the floor.

General Meeting
- Spring 2017 -

When: Thursday, May 11th at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Gymnasium, Harcourt Memorial United Church, 87 Dean Avenue


General Meeting
- Fall 2016 -

When: Thursday, November 10th at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Harcourt Memorial United Church, 87 Dean Avenue.

Tom Klein Beernick, Manager of Housing, will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Fall GM.

We look forward to seeing you!


General Meeting
- Spring 2016 -

When: Wednesday, May 4th at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Guelph Community Christian School, 195 College Avenue West

We look forward to seeing you!

AGENDA: Ian Panabaker, Corporate Manager, Downtown Renewal, will be the keynote speaker at this year’s AGM.

Hydro Corridor Tree Clearing
- Fall 2015 -

If you are concerned about Hydro One’s plans to clear-cut the vegetation along the Cedar/Water/Hanlon transmission corridor, you will be interested in this: Hydro One has arranged to host a neighbourhood meeting to present and discuss their plans.

Meeting Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015

Time:  6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Location:  Pine Tree A Room, Best Western Hotel and Conference Centre (716 Gordon Street).

General Meeting
- Fall 2014 -

We have had a very positive response from candidates for our meeting on October 8th.  We are expecting:

Mayoral candidates – Jason Blokhuis, Karen Farbridge, John Legere;

Council candidates – Scott Butler, Cathy Downer, Alex Green, Leanne Piper, Bob Senechal;

School trustee candidates – Mark Bailey, Malcolm Bell, Juanita Burnett, Ralph Edwards, Martha MacNeil.

This promises to be an informative and fun evening.  We hope that you will join us!

General Meeting
- Spring 2014 -

Jeremy Shute was to speak on the subject of Guelph’s creeks and rivers at the OUNRA AGM on May 7th. Unfortunately, he has had to cancel his appearance.

Further to the cancellation of our previously announced keynote speaker at the OUNRA AGM on May 7th, Jessica Tivy has kindly agreed to help us out.

Jessica is a Landscape Architect and a Certified Arborist, based in Guelph.  In 2013, she spent six months in Scotland and took the opportunity to research and explore some of its many historic gardens.

Her photographs are stunning.  This talk is the perfect antidote to a chilly, wet spring!

General Meeting
- Fall 2012 -

On Wednesday, November 7, 2012, our  Fall General Meeting was attended by well over 50 residents.  Guest speakers Bob Moore (Principal) and David Macauley (architect) gave an inspiring overview of the renovation of the former College Avenue Public School, now home to the Guelph Community Christian School.  School volunteers led tours of the newly opened building.

The renewal of this iconic 1960s building was truly inspirational.  The architect and the GCCS Building Committee respected the vintage features of the building and have greatly enhanced the site and landscape for environmental benefits.  Most notably, and with great appreciation, it should be noted that they have incorporated a Community Room into the new school and have extended the use of the sports fields to the community as well.   Thanks to the Board and families of the GCCS  — and WELCOME to the neighbourhood.  We are proud to have you in our community and hope to see you soon.